bla bla bla :P

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


so what did actually happen in 10 days?actually its nothing...basically its the same thing..well actually there is something....i think i like someone but i'm not sure if i love her?should i go for it to know if i really love her?or should i just stay for awhile n wait for it to come?i feel like i'm in deepshit and feeling so confused...argh what the heck...main thing to do is study...get in the student council then join something for extra curicullar activites...get good marks in i think i should focus on studies can come by later...if that would actually happen...which i think it wont...ok another stupid blog written by me..thanks bye bla bla bla

Monday, May 14, 2007

am i living a sad life?

maybe because i felt like i lost so many precious person in my rarely come home cause he staying with step mum at another place..sis always busy going out..mum already passed away for 3 years....i'm here just studying in college,busy doing assignments and revision.lonely as looks like many people already found their partner in sorry relationship partner..i feel like i'm never gonna find a person right for me?as i'm typing this now listening to some slow,korean love song...mainly about the person who is one sided love...but i'm not that...just lonely 1 with no companion...what the heck ..its not that bad being single...but yet again it is..tried so hard to find love...maybe i should just stop n wait,maybe that's the solution to the problem?hopefully the new girl coming soon will find anything attractive about me?or just about being me...alright we can cut the crap already...its time for some monthly review about my life....did nothing but going to college almost every morning back home then eat then online then sleep..end of story bla bla bla